Good Samaritan Network




The mission of Good Samaritan Network is to demonstrate the unconditional love of Christ by serving the physical, financial and emotional needs of under-served people in Hamilton County. They believe that a community thrives when its residents are able to provide for themselves and their families. They meet the needs of people in emergencies or crisis by serving our community directly and indirectly. Their goal is to provide a hand-up and opportunities for personal empowerment, designed to achieve a healthy, strong and vibrant Hamilton County.

During July, St. Mark's is supporting the Good Samaritan Network Christmas giveaway by collecting toys and gifts for children, allowing qualified parents to shop for their families. Each year more than 5,000 families are served! They especially request family games and items for boys & girls, age 5-16. Please bring your donations to St. Mark's in July and place in a bin inside our main entrance (Door #2).

Good Samaritan Network and Gleaners Food Bank work together to provide food to people in need. Volunteers are needed to help at mobile food distributions in Carmel, Noblesville, Arcadia, Cicero and Sheridan. Get more information and sign up at the GSN website.

Financial donations to Good Samaritan Network may be given using the white mission envelope in your Sunday bulletin in July or given here

Plan a Visit


St. Mark's United Methodist Church
4780 E. 126th St.
